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How to deal with Male Erections and Nudism

Sexually oriented thoughts are NOT the only thing that causes the male penis to "rise to the occasion."

Dream Pleasure Tours caters to a wide variety of travelers, including nudists and people in the lifestyle.  But is seems as if these two groups have a similar problem.  You know the old adage--one man's pleasure is another man's pain.  Well, most of the men in the lifestyle are worried about not being able to get an erection, while many nudists have the exact opposite problem--getting an erection when it's not wanted.  We found this article about erections on Young Naturist America and thought our readers, both nudists and swingers, would enjoy reading it.

A number of articles out there deal with the (potentially overexposed!) topic of male erections and nudism. Many who practice naturism feel that too much negative emphasis goes towards this naturally occurring event. Others within the community express the sentiment of “protecting” certain groups from what they perceive as an overtly sexual gesture. Religious aspects and societal views continue to make the penis and its actions an area of discussion within the naturist community.

An erection is typically defined as the physical result of additional blood traveling to an organ with erectile tissue, especially the penis or clitoris. In the U.S., “erection” is typically used for the male penis. In the penis, local tissue is home to a number of spongy chambers that remain soft, or flaccid, most of the time. Erections are typically associated with sexual maturation and arousal. That said, studies show that pre-pubescent boys also experience occasional hardening of the penis.

An interesting component to erections includes the act of involuntary hardening. Sexually oriented thoughts are NOT the only thing that causes the male penis to rise to the occasion. It’s normal for guys to get erect several times a day for no particular reason. Also, any act that generates blood flow to the lower portion of the body, like sports, can be enough to trigger an erection. It’s also normal for a man to get erect during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Erections can be impossible to control, especially among younger males. So an erection does not automatically signal sexual arousal; however, society still almost exclusively associates it with sexual arousal. Erections can subside on their own or after ejaculation.

While we’re on the subject, we may as well address penis size. Most naturists see for themselves that penises vary greatly in size, shape and appearance. Just for reference, the average size when flaccid is 3 – 4 inches long and average erection size is 5 – 6 inches long. But please note: most penises that fall outside of these ranges are still normal. These are simply averages.

You might already know about sizes, but did you know that flaccid size does not determine erection size ? A small penis may grow quite a few inches in length while a longer penis might not grow much at all. For guys with the former, this is where the phrase “I’m a grower, not a shower” comes in.

Popular culture promotes the idea that small is shameful, and bigger is always better for sex. A lot of mainstream pornography features men with big penises for entertainment value. In reality, many women would agree that bigger does not mean better. Sex educators correct this myth by saying it’s not the size of your penis that matters as much as what you do with it. Many women would prefer a small or average-size penis over a large one. (Of course there are people who prefer certain sizes – small and large! – or who fetishize certain sizes.)

Sexual matters aside, in naturist settings, there is no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about your penis size. Everyone looks different, and naturists could generally care less about the size of your penis, or any body part for that matter.

Massage therapist Sarah Ryan-Knox explored the dilemma of male erections within her profession. Her piece on handling the situation professionally included a section where co-workers expressed conflicted emotions about dealing with a stimulated client. While most therapists understand that massage could cause involuntary erections, some felt the session might deviate from the therapeutic and into the sexual territory. Clients expressed feelings of embarrassment at the thought of potential erections when they really have no reason to feel shame. Ryan-Knox went on to explain why the penis still has a bad reputation in modern society.

A 5th century philosopher by the name of Augustine helped to shape religious opinion regarding the penis and all of its actions. While the seeds of Western Christianity were in their infant stages, Augustine touted the connection between erections, lust and sin. Previous generations admired the penis and its connection to masculinity. But a rapidly changing society began to see the organ as the root of evil. This shift in perception left an impression that still causes issues today.

Antiquated torture devices demonstrate the fear and hate associated with erections. Cages lined with spikes, metal codpieces and electroshock machines emerged to help men handle their “embarrassing” condition. Many households utilized these contraptions until the early 20th century.

Psychologists discovered that religion also plays a major part in sexual issues expressed by many of their current patients. A 2011 article for Examiner.com illustrated how deeply religious families teach children that sex is a dirty / taboo topic and anything dealing with the sexual organs is wrong. These attitudes carry over into adulthood and taint everything from romantic relationships to public interactions. In situations where physical abuse did not exist, extreme religious teachings fostered many dysfunctions and strong opinions.

“What if I get an erection?” is the number one question among guys looking to try social nudity. For some, the fear of getting an erection is enough to curb their interest in it. The fact is, erections are talked about way more than they actually occur in nudist settings. Many have trouble separating nudity and sexuality in their minds and can’t imagine how a social nude setting could be anything but arousing. But once they experience it and get used to it, they can see that it’s no more overtly sexual than the public textile beach (and in reality, a nude beach is even less so!).

In the nudist community, the established etiquette is to cover up with a towel or go in the water until the moment passes. In nudist resorts / clubs, having an involuntary erection or temporary arousal is usually tolerated as long as guys are discrete about it. However, flaunting or walking around with a prolonged visible erection is typically against the rules and may result in being asked to leave. The reasoning being that flaunting an erection is an inappropriate sexual behavior / advance and will make others uncomfortable.

Some naturists see nothing wrong with involuntary erections and believe there is too much shame and embarrassment surrounding a natural bodily function. In a forum discussion on the topic, users illustrate many random moments where a situation could arise, during a communal movie or in the midst of a volleyball game. Some naturists don’t think guys should even have to cover up when it happens because it’s simply “natural.” Of course the counterargument is that sex itself is also “natural,” yet most naturists do not have sex in public (and surly not during a naturist or nudist function).

Some naturists feel the need to protect children and other groups from sexual exposure. Parents fear the vision of an erect male will send their progeny into a state of confusion and cause psychological scarring. A small percentage of naturists wrote about respecting the needs of individuals who experienced prior abuse and assault. The sight of an erect penis could trigger unpleasant memories in victims of sexual crime.

There are formal rules and etiquette in place for male erections, but finding similar information for females is next to impossible. This is where the double standards come into play. Once again, some people within the nudist community feel that penis and nipple erections are naturally occurring functions. Others connect penis erections to instant sexual arousal and potential danger, while trivializing similar female responses.

Source:  http://nudistnaturistamerica.org/nudist-erection-nudism-and-male-erections

DPT Note: Whether you're looking to get an erection, or you're looking to get naked, or you're looking to get an erection and get naked--Dream Pleasure Tours has the ideal vacation for you!  Call us to discuss your vacation desires at 800-349-3025 or check out some of our Group Tours and Events


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