Aug 10, 2017

Hey, everybody’s got their thing. Plus, it’s 2017 and we’ve finally figured out that monogamy isn’t for everybody. If you’re a new time swinger or are flirting around with the idea, here’s what you need to know to have a swinging time!
Swingers (swĭng′ər) is a couple, usually a married couple, who exchanges partners in the bedroom.
The number one rule to swinging is that each partner has FULL KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT of the activity.
Don’t be ashamed if your partner asks you if you’re into swinging - it's been done for centuries. The ancient Romans and Greeks partook in this activity.
And swinging was also very popular during the “flower power” era with the hippies in the ‘70s.
It’s said that swinging was brought to the U.S. during WWII when wealthy air force pilots would bring their wives with them to base, and, since the couples become very close very quickly, it was normal to “wife-swap.”
There are different types of swinging. For instance, there is exhibitionism, which is doing the deed while someone watches, and voyeurism, which is the couple watching the others do the deed.
There is also soft swap, which is swapping mates, but not going all the way. In other words, swinging to do the other fun stuff, but saving the pregnancy scares for the committed couple to deal with.
Some couples are into extreme measures, which is when you up the swinging game with bedroom toys, bondage, etc. This is not as common but is sometimes done when swing parties have a theme.
If you want to have a themed swinger’s party, make sure you specifically say so in the invite. Communication is very important.
Swingers view the bedroom activity very differently when they swing than when they're home with their S.O. Many swingers are happily married couples but like to do the deed as a sort of game with others.
According to relationship therapists, men tend to be the ones who suggest swinging, but it’s the women who end up enjoying it most.
Swingers are not polyamorous. Being polyamorous means having multiple relationships at one time. Swingers have one relationship but will indulge in bedroom fun with others, yet still keeping their heart for one person.
Studies have been done, but there is no scientific reason why people like to swing. Surveys showed none had any history of abuse or any other special psychological profile.
Swingers claim that indulging in this eradicates jealousy in the relationship, and makes infidelity less likely since they are open about having multiple bedroom partners.
Online has made swinging, finding swingers clubs, and events a lot easier.
What do you think about Swinging?
Source: Rebel Circus