7 Tips For First Time Swingers
It’s believed that swinging, at least how we know of it today came into wider practice during the 1950’s in
America. Is it a coincidence that this coincided with the invention and subsequent availability of the
contraceptive pill? I think not. Suddenly, women could be solely responsible for their own sexual practices in
confidence. Swinging has gone on quite a journey, from keys in the punchbowl to apps and websites specifically
designed to find you someone to swing with. Below are my top tips for giving you that first push into swinging.
1. Firstly, talk. You and your partner both need to be on the same page when it comes to sexually socializing
with other people. You might want to suggest a book or film that involves swinging in some way. This will mean the
subject can be broached easily and skirted away from without question if they’re just not interested. If they seem
keen then the floor is yours. There are a lot of things that can go wrong if you haven’t first taken the time to
discuss each and every aspect with your partner. It’s important at this stage to monitor your emotional responses
to different scenarios, as jealousy is one of the main emotions swingers initially will have to deal with.
2. The next step is to start slowly. You don’t need to rush into anything straight away. The world of swinging
has been about for years and is growing ever more popular as time goes on. So don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere.
Do some research online together, look at reviews of the clubs near to you and get a feel for the swinging scene in
your area.
3. The next thing you need to do is to set some ground rules. Both you and your partner need to be very clear
from the word go about what it is you want from the experience. You may feel that foreplay is where the limits lie,
if something isn’t a yes from both of you then it’s a no no. This is the perfect way to make sure you understand
your partners desires and that they understand yours.
4. Next, you might want to log on to get turned on. The Internet is a wonderful place and with websites such as
Swing Towns you can browse potential playmates from the comfort of your own home. You can also create a profile
that is tailor made to attract the type of people you’re into, those with similar mindsets and feelings. This is
also a great way of testing the water with your partner and at this point if it doesn’t feel right or something’s
amiss you need simply to close your laptop rather than make an escape from a room full of swingers.
5. Once you’ve found your perfect playmate online you should plan a non-sexual meeting before you do the do.
This will give everyone a chance to know each other and for you to see how you feel face to face with your new
friends. Once again this is something you and your partner should talk about afterward, it’s a great opportunity
to appease any concerns either of you might have.
6. Swing with someone online. Before you commit to a swingers club it’s a good idea to seal the deal after
sourcing someone online. This way your first time will be with someone handpicked by you and your partner meaning
that you’ve given your initial experience the best chance of being a fantastic one.
7. If everything has gone well and both you and your partner feel like the lifestyle is something you’re both
up for then visit a club. Initially, you might want to watch from the side lines, get to know people within the
community and just get a feel for larger scale events. You don’t need to dive in headfirst, but of course, you can
do if it feels right!
If you feel like you might enjoy the lifestyle then there are bound to be some challenges you’ll have to face, but
rest assured more and more people are finding that traditional relationships can survive, nay, thrive within the
swinging lifestyle of sexual adventure.
Source: Annabelle Knight
Annabelle is one of the most relevant experts when it comes to dating, sex, and relationships. She's a certified couples counselor.