We’re all familiar with snow birds. Those are the people who live in snow country and who come south for the winter. Many of those snow birds actually become sunshine birds when they retire, leaving the snow for places like Arizona, California and Florida. At Dream Pleasure Tours, we’re finding that many of our customers are purchasing properties, for seasonal or full time use, in the Tampa Bay area.
Why Tampa Bay? There are a lot of reasons. Tampa offers all of the advantages of a large city – culture, night life, universities and business growth. It’s also convenient to major attractions such as Busch gardens, Orlando theme parks, major league sports, and all that the Gulf of Mexico offers. Plus, compared to California, prices in the Tampa area are reasonable making that second home or retirement home very affordable. And of course, Tampa has that great southern Florida weather and you’re right on the ocean so water sports, boating and fishing are prime attractions.
However Dream Pleasure Tours customers go to Tampa for a different reason. Tampa is home to Pasco County, one half hour north of downtown Tampa. Pasco is the nudist capital of the United States. It is home to two major resorts -Caliente and Paradise Lakes. These resorts are the best in the United States for nudists and lifestyle communities. In additional, Pasco has another 15 nudist or clothing optional communities. Plus Tampa is home to Eyz Wide Shut, one of the country’s premier lifestyle clubs.But what do you do when you decide to take the plunge and make that purchase? Is there anyone out there with whom you can have a frank and open conversation about your lifestyle, and the types of people you want to associate with, and the differences between one resort and the next? You can’t have this conversation with your average real estate agent.
Fortunately we’ve got the answer. Before you buy a property in Central Florida, you must have a conversation with Louise and Raymond Richardson of Pro-Active Real Estate. They have a combined 25 years of real estate experience and they own their own brokerage company. Louise and Ray are also active in the nudist and lifestyle communities in Central Florida.Louise and Ray can help you with all of your Central Florida real estate needs. Are you looking for a residential property in resort, or a private residence in sub division? Do you need property management for your investment property or for when your property is leased, while you’re back in snow country? Are you perhaps looking for a commercial property in the area, to provide income for your retirement? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, you need to call Louise and Ray.
Let’s face it. If you’re buying or leasing a property, you’ll have to work with a real estate professional anyway. Why not work with someone who understands your lifestyle, and understands the market from a customer’s perspective? We’ve heard stories about people trying to buy properties in nudist resorts, and having real estate agent’s roll their eyes and giggle, or ask offensive questions. You’ll never get that from Louise and Ray. In fact, if you’re in the pool naked, that might just be Louise and Ray sitting right next to you. What better place to have a conversation about that property you’re looking to purchase?Give Louise and Ray at Pro-Active Real Estate a call. Prices in Florida are still low and now is the time to buy, before the market fully recovers and prices go up. Lock in your retirement home or your vacation home now in one of Florida’s clothing optional or lifestyle friendly communities. You can reach Louise and Ray at 1-813-965-1697 or visit www.ProActiveTampaBay.com.
Dream Pleasure Tours – Specialists in couples only travel and vacations, swingers travel and vacations, swingers tours, swingers trips, adult only travel and vacations, lifestyle travel and vacations, erotic travel and vacations, romantic travel and vacations, clothing optional travel and vacations, nudist travel and vacations, swingers cruises, lifestyle cruises, Hedonism Resorts, Hedonism II, Desire Cancun, Desire Pearl, Grand Oasis Viva, Temptations, Club Ambiance, Spice Resort, Caliente Resorts, Couples Cruises, Shoes Only Travel Cruises and the sexiest and most sensual vacations on the planet.
Your Florida Real Estate Specialists
Louise and Ray of Pro-Active Real Estate
Call 1-813-965-1697
Recent additional information about Tampa Real Estate:
It seems the Tampa Bay area is popular for more than just beaches and sunshine. According to the new comparative pricing search engine Locality.com, Tampa is the fourth most affordable city for young urban professionals. The website researches prices paid for essential services such as haircuts, gym memberships, pet boarding and daycare costs to create a "Yuppie Price Index."
Mayor Bob Buckhorn said the listing shows Tampa is a viable option for career-minded young people. "To know that they can come here and have a great life and have a reasonable cost of living makes this place even more attractive," Buckhorn said.
The price index for Tampa is a little more than $5,200 a year for the essential services that make up the list. The highest price index at almost $7,000 belonged to San Francisco, while the low mark at $5,181 belonged to Indianapolis. The Tampa index includes data from all of the Bay area's counties.
Buckhorn said the data is vital because it could help determine the city's economic future over the next decade. The goal, Buckhorn said, is to create "an urban environment where they can live downtown and they don't need their cars."
"That they can walk everywhere," he said. "Getting that Riverwalk done, focusing on the waterfront. We have become a destination for those kids, and we're keeping our best and brightest here."