Me and my friend (both single girls in our 20's) went on the recommendation of Dream Pleasure Tours and were worried about what we would see and if we would be comfortable. Let me just say that the staff and the people vacationing there MAKE THE TRIP! We made so many friends. You can see what you want or NOT see anything at all. People are not pushy at all. Going there was the best thing I have ever done for my self confidence. We both went to the nude pool right when we got there. We sat for 2 minutes saying "you go first - no you go first" trying to make the other take their clothes off first. You cant stay too long on the nude side with clothes on, so if you are shy, try the quad first for a little while. But Im telling you - Get naked on the FIRST day because once you do it you will love it! Nobody gawks at you or judges you in any way whatsover. We were naked in under 5 minutes and by the next minute it felt like we had been nudists our whole life! I have never met friendlier people in my life. There was a woman who had been in a fire and had scars all over her body but no one cared! There was also a very older (late 70's ?) gentleman in a wheelchair. Everyone is treated the same! Its so great. We met people that were on their 15th trip!!! No wonder people keep returning to H2!