I have been to many resorts over the years and experienced many different amenities but this place is like a true Fantasy Island. I love the concept of an all inclusive resort because it allows you to truly relax and not worry about anything,as the islanders say "iree" wich means no worries. There is something here for everyone, however leave the easily embarrased and weak at heart at home. Clothing is pretty much optional here. The night life is well....crazy to say the least. I would not suggest this place for the average married couple only for the very open minded. The name Hedonism is perfect for this place. There is an underground bar that looks into one of the pools through a large expanse of glass and I will not even go into the things I saw through that window. If it is wild and adventerous that you are seeking then look no further. If it is subdued and relaxed you seek then you might want to try Sandles witch is right next door.